Upscaling Possibilities of Blue Energy in The Light of The New Green Deal, May 2020

Upscaling Possibilities of Blue Energy in The Light of The New Green Deal, May 2020
“When a river meets the sea, the salinity of the seawater is diffused in the mix of waters. The process releases energy, as much as if the same volume of water fell from a 250 meter high hydroelectric dam.”

Peter Hack, the founder of REDstack, Rik Siebers, the Director of REDstack, and Frank Neumann of IMIEU met in an online video conference with a representation of the Cabinet Timmermans (o.a. Mr Diederik Samsom) on 5 May 2020, discussion possibilities within the New Green Deal for the upscaling of the RED salinity gradient technology. See for a more in-depth look at the upscaling of the RED salinity gradient technology.

On 23 June upcoming there will be an extensive web conference on the European Green Deal and the development of salinity gradient energy during European Sustainable Energy Week (info upcoming) see already

For more information on the INES partner REDstack: