21 May Meetup Essen/Mulheim Airport – Germany

21 May Meetup Essen/Mulheim Airport – Germany

On 21 May was the big day! In perspective of the U-LTA Programme, the IMIEU (Institute for Infrastructure, Environment and Innovation) organized the first partner fact-finding site visit to the splendid new operation site of Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei GmbH site in North Rhine-Westphalia near Düsseldorf (a few hours away from Amsterdam, Paris, Brussels, and Antwerp).

Lucky with excellent weather, we had a firsthand experience of passenger airship take-off and landing operations at the Essen/Mulheim Airport with the most innovative and updated means next to a hangar build according to the latest principles of environment and sustainability!

We would like to thank ZLT Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik GmbH & Co. KG and its CEO Eckhard Breuer for their hospitality and cooperation in organizing this event.

Cooperation and communication is key to push Lighter-Than-Air technology to its limits in the hopes of achieving a more sustainable and conscious future in the aviation world.

Thanks to all U-LTA platform Partners! AérondeAVI AirshipBuoyant Aircraft Systems InternationalConcordia UniversityCSEMDIATEX SASEmpyreal GalaxyEUROCONTROLFAU Erlangen-NürnbergFLYING WHALESHyLight (YC S23)iRPASIMIEU (Institute for Infrastructure, Environment and Innovation)KelluuMITEBPolitecnico di MilanoEvry-Val-d’Essonne University from Université Évry Paris-SaclayUniversité libre de BruxellesUniversity of ManitobaTrelleborg Group

Germany Meetup 1
Germany Meetup 2
Germany Meetup 3