Paralia meeting, Moerdijk 2014
Our second Paralia meeting of the year focused on meta-populations and Interreg planning. We were able to enjoy a tour of Moerdijk, and the facilities at the port. We would like to thank the Port of Moerdijk for hosting us and our Paralia partners for attending and contributing to the meeting.
INES Meeting, Seoul, 2014
Our first INES Asia meeting was held at the COEX, South Korea and was an overwhelming success. We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to GMVP, GIST and KIER, who helped organise the meeting and contributed to the seminar. Alongside our Asian contributors and speakers, we were very pleased to see a number of our European partners attend and give presentations. Our main goal was to discuss RED and PRO pilot projects, and also provide an annual meeting place for all partners. After the meeting, our partners enjoyed a short trip to Jeju Island. To read the meeting report, where all presentations are explained in-depth, please click here.
INES Meeting, Montreal, 2014
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